Leatside Health Centre

Forth Noweth, Redruth, TR15 1AU

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Leatside Patient Participation Group

Next Leatside Patient Participation Group Meeting – Tuesday 16th July 2024 – 6.00pm


Welcome to the page of the Leatside Patient Participation Group (PPG). We have reformed our patient participation group which meets in the last week of each month.  If you would like to get involved, please contact the Practice Patient Group Liaison – Lee Collins

What is the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

Since April 2015, it has been a contractual requirement of NHS England for all GP practices to have a PPG and to make reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice population. A Patient Participation Group is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service.

Who is part of the PPG?

The PPG is made up of a Chair, Secretary and Committee Members. This steering committee drives the direction of the PPG and the priorities which it wishes to address. A PPG is open to views of every patient on the GP practice list. All communities, groups, genders, ages, ethnicities, and disabilities representing the patient list are encouraged to join.

What is the role of the PPG?

The aims and work of each PPG depends entirely on local needs, but they all have the aim   of making sure that their practice puts the patient and improving health at the heart of    everything it does

  • It is important for the PPG to have an inclusive and diverse membership to ensure that the PPG represents as many types of patient voices as possible
  • PPG members can act as ambassadors within the community, and this can help with recruitment of new members
  • PPGs should act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Practice, by helping it appreciate and understand what patients are thinking and are saying about issues, such as, opening hours, telephone systems, requests for home visits, delays in being taken for appointment, seeing their favourite GP, seeing their favourite Practice Nurse, repeat prescriptions and the range and type of services provided within the Practice.
  • By being as outward facing as possible, the PPG can learn about innovations which are happening in the local community and bring these back to the practice
  • PPG members can help to promote health initiatives being introduced within the practice
  • PPGs can work alongside the practice and local health commissioners to ensure that the right services are available to the local population
  • PPGs can give patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest
  • PPGs can provide a means for patients to become more involved and make suggestions about the healthcare services they receive
  • PPGs can explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to actions, plans and help monitor improvements
  • PPGs can contribute feedback to the practice on National Patient Survey results and Friends and Family Test feedback to propose developments or change
  • PPGs can support the practice in promoting health awareness and patient education
  • PPGs can fundraise to support the work of the PPG and to improve the care that is available to patients of the Practice

How should the PPG be structured?

It is important that a PPG is not too rigid in its structure.  A PPG may be virtual or face-to-face, or a combination of the two. Although there are no prescriptive requirements surrounding structure, the most effective groups have ensured that they adopt certain criteria including:

  • The appointment of a Chair and Secretary/coordinator
  • There are clear terms of reference
  • Evidence of regular meetings are maintained and documented
  • Members are recruited from all ages/groups
  • Evidence that patient feedback has been recorded, discussed and where possible acted upon
  • There are training opportunities for members to help equip members with the skills and confidence to fully participate in the PPG
  • There is an action plan

Moving Forward with the PPG

Patient Participation Groups tend to be set up by Practices but, over time, they are usually run by patients. The PPG should work closely with the Practice, and it is normal for members of the Practice Team, including General Practitioners to be part of the Patient Participation Group. Patient Participation Groups are not set up to be a ‘forum for moaners’ but nor are they ‘doctor fan clubs’. They are a route for patients to advise and inform the Practice on what matters most to patients and to help identify solutions to problems. Members of PPGs should think about the wider patient interest and not just their own personal concerns when serving on the PPG. Every PPG should be clear about what it is there to and hopes to achieve. It should have well thought out core objectives so that if someone asks what the Group does, there is a clear answer. These goals and aspirations need to be realistic and achievable because the PPG is run by volunteers.

Getting Involved

To some people the above will seem rather daunting. But be rest assured that, Patient Participation Groups across the country, run by patients, are doing these things and are making a real difference. Choose the level and degree of involvement that suits you best, whether as a member of the Group or just helping occasionally. It is all voluntary and every and each contribution is appreciated and valued.


Q:        How much time does the PPG require?

A:         This depends on the individual PPG and the commitment of its members. Preparing for meetings (document reading) and attendance at the meeting would be a minimum.

Q:        Will it affect my relationship with my GP?

A:         No. The PPG work is separate from day to day practice work. The PPG and its members   have no access to patient medical records. PPG feedback to the practice is general and anonymised

Q:         Who else will be able to access my contact details?

A:         Your contact details are only used for PPG purposes. They will be held securely and will never be shared without your permission. Adherence to the General Data Protection  Regulation (GDPR) 2018 will always be followed.

Q:         Does the PPG need to open a bank account?

A:         If it is decided that fundraising will be held to buy equipment and services for the benefit of patients, the PPG will need a bank account.

LPPG Chair – Robert Lamberton

Secretary – Rosemary Musgrave

Finance Officer – Maggie Harris

PPG Committee Members:

  • Amanda Norman
  • Iain Norman
  • Carol Spencer
  • Maggie Harris
  • Rosemary Musgrave
  • Ruth Major
  • Sally Maunder
  • Sue Solway


PPG Minutes

Leatside PPG – 280524 Minutes

Leatside PPG – 240523 Minutes

Leatside PPG – 200423 Minutes

Leatside PPG – 220223 Minutes

Leatside PPG – 250123 Minutes

Leatside PPG – 301122 Minutes

Leatside PPG – 021122 Minutes