Forth Noweth, Redruth, TR15 1AU
Telephone: 01209 313 313
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Attention Patients with Long-Term Conditions! Changes to the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Changes to Prescription Telephone Line Opening Times Klinik – Online Access Opening Times NHS App Supporting people at home to live independently Falls Prevention Programme Your Community Gateway Bereavement Support Group Dementia Support Services Contact Information
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 people have the right to see any files about them, including their health records. Access can only be denied if there are compelling reasons. the Data Protection Act replaced the access to Health Records Act 1990 on 1st March 2000, except applications to see records of someone who has died.
The practice has a procedure for patients to apply to see their health records. If you would like further information or an application form please ask at reception.
If you have access to the NHS App or online services you will be able to access your records from June 2022, or date of registration with the practice if after this date.