Forth Noweth, Redruth, TR15 1AU
Telephone: 01209 313 313
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Attention Patients with Long-Term Conditions! Changes to the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Changes to Prescription Telephone Line Opening Times Klinik – Online Access Opening Times NHS App Supporting people at home to live independently Falls Prevention Programme Your Community Gateway Bereavement Support Group Dementia Support Services Contact Information
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and the risk of the virus’ spread, all GP Practices started working differently by changing their appointment system to a telephone appointment first system, and seeing patients face to face where there was a clinical need. We have found this has suited a majority of patients. Following the demand on the NHS and specifically the Practice, we have now also introduced Klinik.
If you are reading this, please use Klinik to contact us about any appointment requests, prescriptions, and queries. This will then allow those patients who do not have online access to call us more easily.
If you telephone the Practice, your request will be added to Klinik, and will be managed in the same way. Our team will then triage your request and ensure you are booked the appropriate appointment at the right time with the right person, this could be face to face or via telephone. Please help us to help you by making Klinik a success.
If you need to call the Practice, please do so on 01209 313313 where you will be put through to one of our Patient Advisers.
We would be grateful if you could help us to help you by keeping phone calls to a minimum, as the increased call volume hinders those patients who need our help.
Whilst our doors are open, we are experiencing long queues. Please do not visit the Practice unless you need to register, have an appointment with one of our clinical team, or a doctor has asked you to attend.
We will see you or contact you on the same day, but this might not be with the person of your choice.
You can pre-book with that doctor, however it may be several days/weeks before that doctor is available.
You will be directed to seek healthcare advice from other sources e.g. pharmacists, minor injury centres or online via NHS Choices.
These are reserved for truly housebound and terminally ill patients.