Forth Noweth, Redruth, TR15 1AU
Telephone: 01209 313 313
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Attention Patients with Long-Term Conditions! Changes to the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Changes to Prescription Telephone Line Opening Times Klinik – Online Access Opening Times NHS App Supporting people at home to live independently Falls Prevention Programme Your Community Gateway Bereavement Support Group Dementia Support Services Contact Information
If you have a long-term condition, you can expect to be seen for your review in your birth month. This helps us ensure that everyone receives timely and personalised care.
If your birth month has passed and you haven’t had a review since April 2024, please get in touch with the surgery to schedule your appointment. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Let’s work together to keep you healthy and thriving!