Forth Noweth, Redruth, TR15 1AU
Telephone: 01209 313 313
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Dr Tamsin Craze - BSc, MB BS, MRCGP Registered (1995)
Dr Glynnis Turner - BSc, MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP
Dr Anna Wilson - BSc, MBBS, DRSRH, nMRCGP Imperial College, London (2003)
Dr Ewen Cowan - MRCGP Aberdeen (2013)
Dr Fergus Barry - BMBS, MRCGP
Dr Sarah Green - MBBCh, DRCOG, MRCGP University of Wales, Cardiff (2005)
Dr Katy Maybery - BM BS Universities of Exeter and Plymouth (2008), MRCGP (2016)
Dr Elizabeth Scully - BChir Cambridge (2010), MRCGP (2016)
Dr Frances Jacks - BM (2009), DFSRH (2013), DRCOG (2013), MRCGP (2014)
Dr Jessica Simpson - BM BS Universities of Exeter and Plymouth (2016) MRCGP (2022)
Dr Alice Martin - MBBS (2012) DRCOG (2015) BMedSci (2010) MRCGP (2017)
Dr Ashleigh Stone - BMBS, MRCP (2016), MRCGP (2020)
Our nursing team includes an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, 2 Nurse Practitioners, a Cardiac Specialist Nurse, 1 x Diabetes Nurse, 6 Practice Nurses, 2 Health Care Assistants and 2 Phlebotomists.
Sophie Duffin - Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Debbie Slater - Nurse Practitioner
Sarah Eustice - Nurse Practitioner
Benjamin Lodge - Cardiac Specialist Nurse
Stephanie Thomas - Diabetes Nurse
Deanna Vinnicombe - Lead Practice Nurse
Sarah Atherton - Practice Nurse
Isabel Davies - Family Planning Nurse
Glenn Friend - Practice Nurse
Chloe Powell - Practice Nurse
Kirsty Ellis - Health Care Assistant
Cath - Phlebotomist
Rosie Tucker - Phlebotomist
Our administration includes a Practice Manager, an Office Manager and Team Leads:
Caroline Pugh – Practice Manager
The administration team also includes:
We also have wider team members through our Primary Care Network, including Physiotherapists, Pharmacy Tecnicians, a Cancer Support Worker, Frailty Occupational Therapist, Care Coordinators and Health & Wellbeing Coaches.
For further information, the following link may be useful for understanding our wider General Practice team and how they can help you.