Forth Noweth, Redruth, TR15 1AU
Telephone: 01209 313 313
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Attention Patients with Long-Term Conditions! Changes to the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Changes to Prescription Telephone Line Opening Times Klinik – Online Access Opening Times NHS App Supporting people at home to live independently Falls Prevention Programme Your Community Gateway Bereavement Support Group Dementia Support Services Contact Information
In the interest of patient safety we would ask that all prescription requests or queries are written down either on a repeat slip, an order form at reception, via Klinik on our home page (selecting the medication queries tile), our online services (if you have signed up to this service), or via email: While we do accept prescription requests over the phone, we would prefer that you use one of the aforementioned options.
If you have a nominated pharmacy they should be your first port of call regarding medication queries or to order your medication. Repeat prescriptions can be posted back to you if you provide a SAE or can be forwarded to a chemist of your choice.
Please allow 2 clear working days for processing. Any queries regarding prescriptions can be raised with your nominated pharmacy or via Klinik which you can access through this website.
The Practice offers an Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), which allow your prescriptions to be sent directly and securely to your nominated chemist. For more information please enquire at your chosen pharmacy or our prescription desk at the practice.
To use the repeat prescriptions online service you will need to register with the Surgery bringing in photo I.D. You will then be supplied with your registration details. You do not need a login to use Klinik.
Once you have registered you will be able to access our online repeat prescriptions service to order your prescription. If you are needing to order an item which isn’t on your repeat and/or is an acute item then you will have to order this seperately, via KLINIK or on an order form at the surgery.
A new easier way to get your regular medications
If you or someone you care for uses the same prescribed medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from using the NHS Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) service. This service allows you to go to your community pharmacy and collect your regular repeat medicine without having to order your medicine from either the surgery or pharmacy each time.
Hopefully you will find this service more convenient as it should save you time and also make the surgery prescription process more efficient.
If you would like to use this service please arrange this with your nominated pharmacy to see if you are suitable for the Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD). If your prescribing doctor agrees that you could use eRD for your regular medicines, and you are willing to share information about your treatment with your community pharmacist, your GP or prescriber will then authorise a number of eRD prescriptions. This number (up to a maximum of 12) will be based on your circumstances and clinical need. The eRD prescriptions will then be available at your community pharmacy at regular intervals. An additional benefit to the patient is prompts are built into the system when blood tests or BP checks are due.